Sunday, 2 June 2019

Time and Mass. Two misconceptions in physics!

We have learnt space and time & mass and also inertia mass in university.
However non of us have queried if all are true? In fact No!
Why? and How?
Ok. Let's talk about it.

First, I will write basic concepts of science.

Hypothesis : It means an idea but no way to test it.
Theory : The idea written in math and possible to test. (However if no one can test it than it turns out Hypothesis)
Law : These are reality of science. Which means theories have been test with many testers (labs and universities) and proved in sigma 6.

Well, let's start with time. What is time? It is not mechanical or atomic clock. In terms of physics it should be particule, wave, energy, magnetics or electromagnetics. However nobody had achieved to observe and test the time.

So what we will say about time? It is hypothesis. Well, it is true. However we are all humans and have brains. Brain has ability to record all our movements and what we see, what we talk etc. Also our brains has ability to recall those fragments and combine together. We call this process "remembering". If we can remember past than how are we going to explain that thing? So we have started to call it "time". However we use time in our daily lives and science as a ruler like "kg", "meter". You know that kg and meter are not exist in reality. We have invented those measurement units to identify the world outside. So time is the similar measurement unit we had invented.

In reality universe, light, stars, galaxies, energy... in large scale or in quantum scale none of them require "time" as a variable to move or to exist. Movement and energy are the only realities in universe.

I am not sure if I give more examples to prove about "time is not exist" however "time is a measurement unit" we use in our lives and science.

Well, now let's talk about mass & inertia mass.
All you know mass is the output of gravity. If there is no gravity than there is no mass. For example if you are in among galaxies. Very hard to identify the mass. However inertia mass is always there. Is that true? 

OK. First all of we need to identify what is gravity? Contrary to popular belief that gravity is magtenic + electromagnetic + weak + strong nuclear forces of planets and stars on the quantum level of each molecule. In short force field is gravity. 

But I can give a break and give some simple examples :

What did we learn at school (university)? Einstein's special and general relativity. Space-Time. Huge massive objects bends the space... OK. If it was correct than orbit of earth should be more different. Fist of all, the closest position and farest positions should have been diffent than reality; so close and so far. But it is not. If you look at the size of Sun and all other planets than you can easily realize. On the other hand; orbit of moon around the earth. Sun bends the space-time 99% according to the whole solar system mass. If it was correct than why moon is still with earth in the position C? It should have dropped into Sun's orbit? Angular momentum can not help to the moon... Also if relativity was correct than total solar eclipse could have never been existed. Why? Because Sun bends huge amount of space so earth should be at very high orbit. When it dives in the orbit into the Sun than it should be more closer. Again, Earth is bigger than the moon so earth should have bended the space more than the moon. So moon's orbit should be at very high position which makes impossible total solar eclipse.
We can ask more stupid questions once we have accepted Einstein's ridiculus relativity understanding! 

Well, gravity is not working as Einstein had imagined.

Now, If we are all agree about gravity than we can continue.

If you have still questions in your mind than this Fermilab video may help :

Nature of matter

If we are trying to identify whole universe by the feet on earth than we can understand gravity and mass. Because we can feel it and test it. However if we are far enough from the earth and sun than mass is an enigma! If the gravity on the molecules are so small than how can we describe it? 

OK. One more question. How can we identify the mass of sun? It is also orbiting around milky way in 226 million years. Yes. So as you see it is getting harder and harder to describe the mass itself even for any star and any object in universe. 

As you see "space - time" explanation is a nice science fiction movie in our minds.

The other concept was iternia mass. Well, how can we understand this concept? Do you mean in terms of quatum mechanics? Molecular level or quark level? What ever you say than you are trying to say the volume and density of an object. 

If you ask deeply than you will find volume and density. So it does not matter how you call it. Internia mass and volume and density. But for me, calling it as volume and density is more intelligible. Density means the quantity of quarks and molecules the object has in itself. This view identify the iron and gas or hydrogen compounds.

If we come back to gravitional mass than we must say it is very relative to the position of an object where it stands or orbiting. So this arise another question. Is it necessary to calculate the gravitional mass of an object? For me; No! It is not. I don't see any useful area to use that quantity.

Physics is really joy and everthing however we must ask more questions about the things we think we know!

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