Friday 3 September 2021

The thrust used in space rockets.


The thrust used in space rockets.

Earlier, I mentioned the importance of using magnetic reactivity for takeoff from the ground, both in terms of cost and practicality.

Now, I would like to briefly talk about how it is possible to reach very high speeds while traveling in space. In fact, it is not a complicated matter as a matter of principle. However, it is clear that there are some difficulties in terms of engineering practice.

If controlled nuclear explosions can be achieved at the rear of the spacecraft, it is possible to achieve very high thrust, depending on the explosion frequency. The challenge here is the instantaneous high shock, heat and rationing that nuclear explosions will create. To avoid this, it is important to design the blast chamber correctly. The heat panels used in the solar parket probe to protect from heat can be used to protect the rocket in reverse direction. In addition, high carbon content Z steel containing tungsten can be used to protect from radiation. Further testing is necessary to find the most accurate blast chamber material.

Transporting nuclear fuel is an issue that will not cause any problems in terms of volume and weight. However, the walls of the transport chamber must be 15% thicker than the calculated one in order to protect it from gamma radiation. The cooling issue is not a problem in the -270C degree coldness of space itself. It is sufficient that the chamber is not heated separately.

It can be designed as transport chamber, injector and explosion chamber. Thus, the injection frequency can be calculated to achieve the required speed. Deuterium and tritium, or lithium deuteride are may be the most effective fuel for space rockets.

It can be designed as transport chamber, injector and explosion chamber. Thus, the injection frequency can be calculated to achieve the required speed.

There is no need to write a whole page to explain a topic. It is sufficient to give the subject to be explained with algorithmic logic. Details can be numerous. However, the detailed problems and their solutions are only revealed during the process and the problems are solved at that time. Trying to predict everything is the way of idiots.